It is a licensed firm from The Saudi Bar Association with a 7023134575 number, which offers all legal services in an international and scientific standard .
Our Services involve a practical knowledge in the Saudi judiciary . It includes writing lawsuit papers and briefs responding to them and urgent representation in front of the judicial authority if it’s necessary. It contains the study of the FIQH (Jurisprudence) of Legalization and handles it with a highly professional attitude. In our firm, we grantee to put all of the alternative ways to resolve the disputes and to arrange Legal conventions in our consideration. Also we are capable of drafting and auditing all kinds of legal contracts even with other companies, institutions, or individuals. We are experts at establishing new companies with an efficient and qualified engagement. In this firm, our policy depends on dialogues and discussions with our partners to explore all legal possibilities to meet all of our client expectations. After that, we documentate all the legal procedures that were nominated and selected efficiently by reports correspondences, discussions, documentative workshops, and vertical meetings
Our vision
To connect you legally, practically, and culturally with the development of Saudi law in its 2030 vision.
We want to attract foreign Investments to empathize the Saudi legal practices.

Our Mission
A proper legal representative to our client by considering the highest values and professional ethics. In order to enhance, develop and improve our legal services.

Our Aims
Our goals is to reach a high position between international firms. Because we are distinguished by our Arabic legal experience, and seeking international quality aspects of experiences. We aim to establish professional partnerships with our clients to reinforce the spirit of the law .

Our Regards
We are looking forward to expanse our businesses to comprehend the technical development of Artificial Intelligence and Block Chain. So, we put our interest in Cybersecurity into our legal consideration. Besides that we aim to practice our extensive study of the Saudi and International Judicial Decisions and reflect it in our agreements.
About the manager of the establishment
Haytham ibn Mohammad ibn Abdullah AL-Bargh'ash :
He is a lawyer and a legal counsel. He takes his license from the Ministry of Justice in the number 607/42 He is a member of the Saudi Bar Association ,He had a high-quality practical and academic study in the Saudi Judicial Training Center in the lawyers training program under the guidance of a group of senior professors of law, judges, and lawyers with an excellent degree in the Higher Diploma.

Companies package:
Haitham AL-Barghash Legal and Consultant firm provides its services to the private sector Generally, they organize for a balance legal establishment, which provides protection for the owners. We pursuit it by many legal procedures to stabilize the company. After that we manage governances, deals, mergers, and acquisitions procedures. On the other hand we establish subsidiaries. . Also, we formulate and audit contracts, conventions, Issuance of Cr, and all necessary licenses to practice the trade We perform legal consulting and pleading in front of judicial and quasi-judicial authorities. And in the matter of dispute, we offer representation, negotiation and alternative settlement services, and urgent legal actions if it’s necessary. In the companies package, the services setting according to the measurement of the business's scope and its nature via business model. This process relay to contract preparation on the client's customized options according to a legal services election and the business's size .
Haitham AL-Barghash Low firm send their best regards for you. We will be pleased by sharing the firm profile with you, and offering our legal consultings and acts to your company. According to the approximate size of your business.
Best Regards
Law Firm Services
Legal Consulting
We provide our written legal consulting, which depends on a scientific approach, and relies on investigation and client discussion about his subject content ,Then we write the answer for his claim after 24 hours of his payments. We choose to delay the answer to enhance the legal research and scientific circulation with Senior Legal Professionals in order to stabilize a sober legal practice. Our effort is to capable the client to reach the biggest benefit ever. We monitor the whole procedure to contribute to legal protection. This service includes legal researches in the Saudi judiciary Judicial FIQH (jurisprudence) and regulations
Pleading and defending
Contraction on pleading and defending in front of judicial and quasi-judicial authorities which start from cases studies and end in the client consultants .
This service could include one litigation stage or all litigation stages .
Writing the legal memorandums
The firm provides that services depending on two models: the first one is from individual to individuals or legal figures .The second one is with an annual contract to companies and law firms. In this contract, we write the legal memorandums. And the client shall pursue the lawsuit procedures .
Collecting debts
Our experience in Enforcement Courts even in applying, studying, and working qualifies us to terminate many claims in multiple manners. Therefore, he -who instituted that law firm worked in Enforcement Court in Riyadh during his studying; He initiated to issue the enforcement cases, wrote legal records, evicted properties, sold properties in auctions cooperated with the rights provisions commissioners, prepared the facts records with its property plant and equipment valuation according to the enforcement regulations attended at enforcement disputes with the integration between the application and setting, and practiced the other administrative works. The approximate price for the claim case is %10 of the case value. This option includes from pleading until proving the debt, and from the negotiation with the enforcer against him to finding suitable solutions and techniques for all parties, which accelerates the collection settlement. We provide this service to banks and licensed financing institutions with high-quality standards. We manage the debt collection operation to receive the amounts of the claims through multiple effective legal approaches. In case of a debt that is not based on a Promissory Note and a commercial paper. We do the necessary pleading in the related subject court, or through alternative manners to prove the debt. After this process is done we submit it to the enforcement court to issue the decisions, when it is necessary .
Family lawyer
The legal practice is crystallized by allocating a lawyer for each family. This lawyer must have a high legal consciousness integrated with the advancement and deep stabilization in the country. This behavior guarantees the best protection for the family's rights. The family can request the service according to a degree of kinship. The lawyer to the family may be a lawyer of their company or a lawyer to the first degree head of the family or his wife. This procedure is going to be based on what is written in the agreement or in the contract. Those services are including legal consulting, a pleading, a representation in front of the prosecution, and government, and judicial and quasi-judicial authorities, and alternative settlement services. That service provides to the senior staff, the companies executives, or the foreign companies too. This service is included in the companies package services, which accelerates the work and regulates a legal family procedure to reach the realization of the quality of life.
AWQAF (Endowment) Monitors
The endowment culture is widespread in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hundreds of years. Our academic studies and applied authorized us to monitor and develop them via professional legal practices either within committees or as individuals .
Dividing Inheritance And Heirs’ Representation
Our vast experience in huge inheritance division through our attended and supervision
on auctions even as legal procedures monitors or a legal procedures pursuer in courts
and agencies. However, it includes the funds' search, Inheritance census, and funds
Pleading In Zakat And Taxation Affairs
The Zakat, taxation, and customs affairs reach the greatest importance in light of the scientific progress and technological development of Saudi Arabia in the legal and economic sector. This is based on diversification in Saudi gross domestic product that was covered in the 2030 vision. So, the Firm cares to enhance its efficiency in those affairs. Therefore, we provide the necessary consulting to enhance the compliance according to principals, systems, and regulations to the Zakat and taxation for institutions. This operation goes through pleading in front of committees and drafting objection memorandum according to the assessment of ZATCA auditing. Therefore, This obligation accruals involve Zakat, Income Tax, VAT, Withholding Tax, Excise Tax, Real Estate Tax, and the penalties which may arise on taxpayers.
Labor Companies Representation And Contracts Audit
Our firm represents the companies in the labor segment. We provide this service via annual contract, which is covered in the companies package services generally .
Discounted Labor Consulting
In the light of the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia legal development. The community needs to increase the contractual protection, that is necessary for the laborers and employees. It is important to protect their rights at the conclusion contract. So, The Firm provides the discounted package. We audit the contracts for the clients before taking their signature as soon as giving them feedback about the potential consequences of concluding the contract after it's done. This process occurs through writing a simple reply with an explanation to all aspects of their circumstances.
Documentations And Contracts Examination
In the light of the kingdom vision that develops the legal practices. We can accomplish justice by auditing the documents and examining the range of their reliability. This step proceeds the contract's conclusion to reach a high level of stabilizing rights and avoiding the potential consequences and risks which perhaps take a long time to in litigation. Therefore, it may weaken the desired objective either in the economics and trading field or all fields. AL-Barghash Firm scans all documents and contracts and gives a definitive view to contract conclusion whether for trade, financial cooperation, labor relationship or Others
Tracking A Money
Some people may defrauded financially through financial transactions with unauthorized parties, either inside or outside the country for many reasons. One of them is for quickly rich. So, we provide this service to pursue the funds via legal practices, which is the client's need to get his right .
The other legal and businesses partnerships
We have extensive relationships in the lawyer and legal fields. These relations enable us to make business partnerships with them in order to support our partners and clients with the best qualified consulting and legal practices .
Criminal Cases
Haitham Al-Barghash Law Firm provides represents service to individuals, institutions and companies in general. In addition to professionally in large and specialized criminal cases reliably. Also provide a service pleading. And represents our clients in the police and the Public Prosecution. As we provide the consultations services in this .
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